In a world where chaos reigns and the smoke rises...three unlikely heroes will rise to the occasion. In the biggest blockbuster of the summer, "Cloud Of Smoke" stars rapper @spark_kent who's here to save the rap game with his album release party going down 9/16 with @smokedza, and @ayeshehmae who aims to prove why she's one of the best to do it! When its all gone up in smoke, they're the ones to toke the world by storm.
Get ready for a smoky adventure in the latest episode of 2 Be Blunt Podcast! "Cloud Of Smoke: Tokin' The World By Storm" is a cannabis-fueled blockbuster featuring two unlikely heroes who are here to toke the world by storm.
Rising Stars: Join rapper @spark_kent, set to save the rap game with his upcoming album release party on 9/16 alongside @smokedza. Their music will leave you in a haze of excitement.
Comedic Excellence: Prepare to be entertained by comedian @ayeshehmae as she proves why she's one of the best in the game. Her humor is as potent as the finest strains.
Cannabis Culture: Dive into the world of cannabis and culture where chaos reigns, and the smoke rises. Discover how these two remarkable talents are making waves in the industry.
Whether you're a stoner, a fan of the rap game, or just looking for a good laugh, this episode is a must-listen. Don't miss out on the excitement as "Cloud Of Smoke" takes you on a high-octane journey. Tune in and get ready to toke the world by storm with 2 Be Blunt Podcast!
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